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Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement

The project involved replacing three freeze tunnels as well as implementing frozen grading improvements at the Boardman West Facility in Boardman, Oregon.

Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement

Lamb Weston


LSB Consulting Engineers



The project also included building additions, building modifications, and significant utility infrastructure improvements while the plant operated to minimize plant outage durations. Phase 1 consisted of a dry supply building addition, converting part of the existing dry supply into a refrigeration engine room, installing a completely new ammonia refrigeration system, and replacing existing main electrical service and distribution supplying the process support area of the plant. Prior to the main plant outage for this phase, the new main electrical service and distribution work took place throughout a three (3) day planned outage. Phase 2 included final building demolition, construction of a new process building which houses new freeze tunnels, installation of the new grading and freeze tunnel equipment and installation of all process support systems for the new building and equipment.

Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement 1
Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement 2
Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement 3
Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement 4
Lamb Weston Freeze Tunnel Replacement 5
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